Monday, October 13, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts. I moved to Los Angeles which so far has had significantly less interesting food. I know this is supposed to just be documentation, but still... the presence of quality eating I suppose inspired me to make this blog in the first place.

Anyhow, a few months ago we went to Hawaii. Here's a guest review from my brother, of a ramen restaurant we went to.

Kim Chee Miso Ramen

Ramen Nakamura
2141 Kalakaua Ave # 1
Honolulu, HI 96815

A good bowl of ramen is hard to find in America. This dish, although a favorite in Japan, has become synonymous with the Maruchan top ramen here in the U.S. Not Hawaii. With a large Japanese population, decent ramen became a necessity. I visited a small ramen shop in Waikiki named Ramen Nakamura. A large collection of obscure Japanese celebrity’s autographs adorned the walls and we were greeted by a frail but tough looking obaachan helping me forget I was in the U.S. I ended up ordering the Kim Chee Miso Ramen and after a short wait the obaachan came out with our food. The yellow slippery noodles were the perfect consistency and the thin pork slices were filled with flavor from marinating in the broth. As usual I avoided the bean sprouts; those noodle imposters are perfect for ruining a good slurp. There weren’t as many noodles as I would have liked, a slight disappointment; but in all the Kim Chee Miso Ramen helped me escape to Japan for a dinner and had me thinking, “That ramen was raw man…”
-Keenan Jay

1 comment:

情緒花 said...

try Daikokuya in Little Tokyo on 1st street... in LA. so good. and the lines are so long. but worth the wait.