Monday, December 7, 2009


My girlfriend and I took a little weekend trip to Seattle not too long ago, and while there we encountered what could have been the best pizza we've ever had. That's a bold statement, so I don't know if I can stand by it 100%, but it was definitely up there.

In fact, it was so good we went back two days in a row for lunch.

Roasted pumpkin, arugula pesto, hazelnuts.

Delicatta squash, roasted garlic, gorgonzola lucifero.

2nd day I had the special, which I can't recall all of the toppings for, and Mao had the squash pie again.

And then we took another whole pie to go, for the train ride home...
(Yukon gold potato, rosemary, olive oil.)

Serious Pie
316 Virginia
Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 838-7388

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